The past school year was hard on kids and teachers. Sitting in uncommon positions for long periods of time staring at a computer screen causes back pain, neck pain and impacts health care. Including chiropractic care in your Back to School annual physical will help kids of all ages. Chiropractic treatment will foster healthy kids of all ages ranging from grammar school to college.
Children develop quickly. Sometimes it feels like they grow an inch in a week! We recommend a checkup for your child even if they are not experiencing pain or discomfort in order to ensure their nervous system is healthy. Pain receptors only make up 10% of your nervous system which means pain is a poor indicator of health. Physical health and mental health increase a child's chances of performing well in school!
Chiropractic care is all about the brain and body connection. Like a conductor, the brain sends signals to orchestrate every interaction in the body such as voluntary movements like kicking a soccer ball and involuntary movements like keeping your heart beating.
A healthy spine is especially important for team sports. Student-athletes have a high rate of sports-related injuries such as compression fractures and herniated discs. Chiropractic care serves as a natural pain relief treatment option for sports programs.
Did you know that EVERY nerve from your spinal cord branches out between the vertebrae of your spine before reaching the rest of your body? This is why chiropractic care is so important for kids during this time of technology.
Children today are faced with issues caused by constant cell phone, tablet, gaming device, and computer usage. We have seen technology cause alignment issues in children as young as 5 years old! "Text Neck" and scoliosis are just two examples of conditions that can develop in a child. Catching issues early helps increase the chance of full correction, preventing the development of complications as an adult. Chiropractors make sure children's spines grow into healthy adult spines.
At Tilson Chiropractic FamilyCare, we treat children with the goal of seeing them grow into healthy adults. Our child patients include infants with colic, sleep trouble, and ear infections, middle schoolers with allergies, to high school and college student-athletes preparing for competitions and scholarships.
Call today for more information on how we can help your child stay healthy.
Naperville Location: (630) 428-2299
Wheaton Location: (630) 949-2431